About Playback

We are a music royalty platform dedicated to transforming the way the independent music industry can access, manage, oversee and ease their finances end-to-end.

Professionals who are passionate about what they do

Anja Pil Christoffersen
CEO & Co-founder
Anja brings a unique blend of legal expertise in music rights and firsthand experience as an artist and songwriter. Her journey from major label to independency highlighted the administrative burdens faced by artists. Anja's insights drive Playback's mission to empower independent musicians and labels.
Peter Bille Krogh
Peter brings hands-on experience in revenue distribution and rights monetization from 15+ years in the film industry.
Marianne K. Knudsen
Board chair & Investor
Marianne is an expert in growth and scalability. Most recently as Co-CEO at ChronosHub, a 360-degree platform for researchers, funders, institutions and publishers.
Daniel Bruhn Jensen
Head of Technology
Daniel is a record label owner, DJ and software developer with 10+ years in the music business heading our platform innovation with his unique combination of music management and tech.
Josefine Torpe
Head of Operations & Marketing
With years of experience in marketing, social media, and partner relationships, she leads Playback's marketing efforts and ensures top-tier customer support, driving the company's mission to help independent artists and labels focus on what matters most—their music.
Elmo Gomes
Head of Development
Elmo is heading our development department with his vast experience managing complex software projects in financial systems.
Arianna Cremonesi
Data Analytics
Arianna brings energy and excitement into our work with music metadata, as she oversees customer dashboards and reporting.
Luiz Correa
Senior Developer
Luiz brings several years of experience working with full-stack development specialised in React.
Thiago Bomfim
Full-Stack Developer
Thiago brings years of experience as a software engineer specialised in full-stack web development.
João Cheron
QA Engineer
João has years of experience working with both manual and automated testing of web applications, APIs, and mobile applications.